The Challenge
Another Round
Beer Cartel are long-time clients of MyIntegrator, and we’ve helped them build a booming BigCommerce website with an end-to-end integration with LightSpeed POS. However a growing business needs space, and so Beer Cartel sought to move key ERP operations from LightSpeed to a newly-setup DEAR system that could better suit their needs, and they wanted the existing integration to adapt to the change. What’s more, the handover had to be an instant and seamless, with no adverse effects on the site or Beer Cartel’s business operations.

The Solution
Raise a Glass
A new seperate connector was built, which imports BigCommerce sales into DEAR as new orders, flagged as picked, packed, shipped, and invoiced. The master product catalog, along with stock levels, is linked is BigCommerce and customer accounts were fully integrated, with existing accounts pulled into DEAR, as well as DEAR customers pushed to BigCommerce, whilst new sign-ups and customers are synced into DEAR via the order sync. Once the new connector was ready, the old integration was halted and replaced, ensuring a clean and seamless hand-over with no impact on Beer Cartel’s process. Their new integration works exactly the same as the old, only with another ERP in the mix.
Key Features
Migration of An Existing Integration
Orders Automatically Sent to DEAR
Customer Account Connected
Master Product Catalog Synced from DEAR to BigCommerce
Inventory Integrated
Integration Components
- Products
- Inventory
- Shipping
- Customers
Use Case
Simplify multi-platform business by automatically syncing core business data, including product data, new orders, invoices and shipping consignments.
- Transformation of a Lightspeed/BigCommerce with a DEAR/BigCommerce integration
- 1000+ products automatically updated each day
- New orders automatically sent to DEAR
- Customer account creation shared between DEAR & BigCommerce
- Automated stock & inventory updates